FALL FRIDAY SERIES: Keeping All Hats in the Air

How do you juggle all aspects of your art/writing career?

I've been pondering this question a lot over the last week and a half. Actually I'm going to risk sounding overly dramatic here. I feel like I've seen the light.

My life has changed in the last week and a half (in more ways than one -- but that is a teaser for a later blog post...).

The inspiration: A schmooze. No kidding! A regular old SCBWI WWA Bellingham Network Schmooze with the above question as our discussion topic. I got some of the most helpful tips for my art life that I've ever received at that schmooze.

I was about to write the remainders from the evening that still have been percolating in my head and heart but I ran out of my allowed time to finish this post (aha! An idea from the schmooze...) I still have so much to share though!

I've decided this is my cue for a new Friday series. A fall series. Welcome to Keeping All Hats In the Air! Stay tuned for a new tip every Friday throughout the fall. I'm aiming to share helpful things with all of you, AND to keep myself on track...

I'm excited to see how this works out!